学校: 教育
学位类型: 硕士学位
格式: 面对面| 在线
学生类型: Graduate Accelerated 和 在线

Accelerated Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Degree

With a choice of full-time 和 part-time evening options, 亚博体育的加速教学硕士学位(MAT)为学生攻读俄勒冈州初步教学许可证做准备. 使学生具备在21世纪课堂上有所作为的技能和道德观念, this accelerated MAT degree helps graduates become culturally responsive, well-rounded instructors ready to shape the next generation.

About the Accelerated Master’s in Teaching Degree

面向俄勒冈州初级教学执照的课堂和学生教学要求, the accelerated MAT program uses the following structure:

  • 核心研究:在完成人类发展和学习理论的前提课程后, 所有MAT考生都要学习一系列的通识教育课程,包括课堂管理方面的教学技巧和方法, 准备课程, 评估学生, 研究, 和 English as a Second Language (ESOL).
  • Select a Track: For developing a specialty within the broad PreK–12 spectrum, 考生可以选择幼儿/小学课程,并在多个科目上背书,或者选择初中/高中课程,在英语语言艺术领域背书, 高等数学, 生物学, 社会研究, 或健康. 全日制夏季MAT只提供初中或高中水平的二级背书.  An elementary endorsement is not offered through the summer MAT. 全日制夏季MAT还包括体育作为背书区域的选择.
  • Student Teaching: A c和idate who has earned a minimum 3.0 GPA for all classroom work is eligible to begin student teaching. 来自亚博体育教育部门的安置协调员将与当地学区合作,确保课堂安置,使学生能够发展必要的技能和知识,从而在课堂上自信地领导. Along with academic 和 clinical work, 学生必须成功完成所有俄勒冈州要求的评估,才有资格获得执照.

亚博体育的加速MAT学位由俄勒冈州教师标准与实践委员会(TSRC)批准,并由西北大学委员会(NWCCU)认证。. 当候选人准备毕业并申请他们的初步执照时,他们必须:

  • exhibit the knowledge, 技能, 能力, 以及符合州际教师评估和支持联盟(InTASC)标准的专业倾向;
  • 举例说明价值观, 道德, 和 character of a Christian an Oregon educator 和 underst和 their role in today’s diverse 和 ever-changing world; 和
  • be prepared to meet the cognitive, 语言, 社会, 情感, 以及21世纪学生的生理需求,帮助他们在课堂上取得成功.

See all 教育 programs

Accelerated MAT Curriculum

Within the program’s structure, all c和idates must complete at least 35个学分 的课程, 包括所有核心研究和早期儿童教育/小学或初中/高中课程.

Required Course Work:


教育 Core Courses
ED 551A | Foundations of 教育 | 1 credit
ED 555A | Urban 教育 & Diverse/ Exceptional Learners | 3 credits
ED 535A | Curriculum Planning & Instruction | 3 credits
ED 596A |评估 & Evaluation | 3 credits
ED 661A | 教育 Research | 3 credits
ED 573A | ESOL Instruction for Classroom Teachers | 2 credits
ED 515A | Classroom Management | 2 credits

Early Childhood/Elementary Courses
ED 571A | Art/PE/Music in the PK-8 Classroom | 2 credits
ED 572A |数学 & Science in the PK-8 Classroom | 3 credits
ED 574A |识字 & Social Studies in the PK-8 Classroom | 3 credits

Middle/High School Courses
ED 577A | 教育al Trends in Middle & High School | 2 credits
ED 575A | Literacy in the Content Area | 3 credits
ED 576A | Instructional Methods for Middle & High School | 3 credits

Clinical Experiences 和 Seminar Courses
ED 690A | Student Teaching I with Seminar | 3 credits
ED 691A | Student Teaching Ia | 3 credits
ED 692A | Student Teaching Ib | 4 credits

To fulfill the above requirements, students may transfer credits for up to two courses, 前提是在过去五年内获得,并且在项目亚博体育前以书面形式提出申请.

从MAT加速课程毕业,并有资格获得初步执照, 所有候选人必须完成至少29个学分的批准课程,累计3.0 GPA 和 no individual course grade lower than a C-. 此外, 所有课堂作业和学生教学必须在学生亚博体育学习之日起30个月内完成.

Accelerated MAT Formats


  • 全日制:学生参加一到三周的全日制课程, morning 和 afternoon, 五月至八月. 随后在秋季学期进行为期15周的临床实习, finishing the program in December. 选择这种结构的个人可以在七个多月的时间内完成加速MAT.
  • 兼职晚上-亲自和在线:学生一次上一节课,每周一个晚上. C和idates selecting this format will finish in about 22 months.

In both courses of study:

  • 教员, both veteran educators 和 those currently working in P – 12  education, 教授课程内容,并用他们的经验和目前对最佳实践和方法的了解来加强课程;
  • a Christian-centered perspective enhances the curriculum with an emphasis on ethical practices 和 diverse leadership; 和
  • WPU的学习社区队列模式允许教师进行个性化关注,并帮助学生发展他们的专业网络.

Careers with a Master’s of Teaching Degree in Oregon

Examining dem和 on a national level, the Bureau of Labor Statistics determined that the US will need 3% more kindergarten 和 elementary school teachers4% more high school instructors between 2018 和 2028.

在俄勒冈州, 从WPU的加速MAT项目毕业的学生准备完成获得初步教学执照的过程. Upon earning this distinction, new teachers are eligible to teach in public schools, education service districts, 还有特许学校.

From this point, the license is valid for three years 和 can be renewed. 在此期间, 拥有俄勒冈州初级教学执照的个人可以获得更高级的经验和能力,以获得专业教学执照.


  • applicants must have completed a teacher preparation program 和 qualify for at least one endorsement;
  • WPU will submit a program completion report;
  • 候选人必须符合美国和俄勒冈州民权法律知识和职业道德的所有要求;
  • the applicant must agree to a background clearance; 和
  • 候选人必须提交完整和正确的申请并支付所有费用.


Accelerated MAT Program Requirements

C和idates interested in applying to WPU’s accelerated MAT program must:

  • 在地区认可的学院或大学获得学士学位;
  • supply official transcripts from all higher education institutions attended;
  • have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on all higher education coursework;
  • include an academic paper on a current issue in any field of study;
  • include three recommendations on the required form;
  • write a goal statement on the required form;
  • successfully complete an interview with WPU’s 教育 Department;
  • 已经修过人类寿命发展和学习理论的课程;
  • 向教师标准与实践委员会(TSPC)提交指纹并进行清理.

Learn More About WPU’s Accelerated Master of Arts in Teaching Degree

如果你有兴趣在你的社区做出改变并影响后代, start by enrolling in WPU’s accelerated Master of Arts in Teaching program. To learn more, contact PGS 招生 by email or by phone at 800.804.1510, or request additional information today.



Our 教育 faculty would love to hear from you.

博士图像. 凯文·斯普纳

Dr. 凯文·斯普纳

Associate Dean of 教育

Division of: Professional Programs
电话: 503-517-1101

